Get Active
In Your Union!
Get Active In Your Union!
Have you ever wondered how you can get more involved in the IWW and help the work along?
Do you live a long way from your closest branch, or struggle to get to meetings because of your working hours?
There are many ways for IWW members to participate – locally, regional and internationally – and lots of work to be done! Here are some ideas, and some contacts for you.
Do you want to recruit your workmates and have an IWW presence where you work?
Are you an accredited workplace rep? Why not get an IWW reps card?
Are you an experienced organiser or workplace rep and would you like to train other members?
Are you interested in international aspects such as developing the IWW around the world, and building relations with other base unions? Contact: international[at]
Do you have language skills to help the union translate leaflets, webpages, and other materials? Contact: translations[at]
We really need people with writing and design skills to produce IWW literature such as pamphlets, leaflets and stickers!
Would you like to help out with the IWW newsletter 'Direct Action'?
Can you help to update website content or improve its design?
Do you have any PR or press skills?
Do you have ideas for merchandise design?
Do you have any expertise with servers, software or websites to help the IWW run our systems?
Do you have research skills? Interested in designing surveys?
Key IWW campaigns
Do you want to get involved in prisoner solidarity, and abolishing the carceral system?
Are you concerned about environmental issues and the class struggle?
We are looking to put together a team of members interested in equality issues.
Department and committee meetings
Are you interested in the running of the union? See all of the union’s department and committee meetings, or check out the online calendar
Any other skills you may have that you think could help the IWW please contact the National Secretary directly at: ireland[at] and we will find you plenty to do!
You can contact your nearest IWW Area Organiser at the following email address:
National Secretary ireland [at]
Dublin Area Organiser dublin [at]
Cork Area Organiser cork [at]
Belfast Area Organiser belfast [at]
Galway Area Organiser galway [at]
Derry Area Organiser derry [at]